1. Two children were playing checkers and each played five games. Both children won the same number of games yet there were no ties. How is this possible? (answer at the end)
2. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? (answer at the end)
3. A man is going down a one way street the wrong way when a police man passes. Why does the police man not arrest the man? (answer at the end)
4. A dare devil jumps from a ten-story building onto a concert street below and escapes any injury. How? (answer at the end)
5. A man is awake night after night without getting a wink of sleep, yet the doesn't fell tired. Why? (answer at the end)
6. If an electric train was going north at 100 miles/per hour which way would the smoke blow? (answer at the end)
7. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses? (answer at the end)
8. A woman has six daughters and they each have a brother. How many children does she have? (answer at the end)
9. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world? (answer at the end)
10. If you are running in a race and pass the person in second place, what position are you in? (answer at the end)
11. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it, you die. What is it? (answer at the end)
12. I have branches yet I have no leaves, no trunk and no fruit. What am I? (answer at the end)
13. If your uncle's sister is not your aunt, what relation is she to you? (answer at the end)
14. A man rode into town on Tuesday and left two days later on Tuesday. How so? (answer at the end)
15. My rings are not worth much, but they do tell my age. What am I? (answer at the end)
16. I stand when I'm sitting, and jump when I'm walking. Who am I? (answer at the end)
17. All men take off their hats to one person. Who is this person? (answer at the end)
18. A man dies of thirst in his own home. How is this possible? (answer at the end)
19. People need me but they always give me away. What am I? (answer at the end)
20. You are my brother, but I am not your brother. Who am I? (answer at the end)
21. The more you take the more you leave behind. What am I? (answer at the end)
22. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? (answer at the end)
23. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? (answer at the end)
24. What has 88 keys, but can't open a single door? (answer at the end)
25. What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten? (answer at the end)
26. What belongs to you but is used more by others? (answer at the end)
27. What two things can you never eat for breakfast? (answer at the end)
28. What can fill a room but takes up no space? (answer at the end)
29. What comes down but never goes up? (answer at the end)
30. What can never be put in a saucepan? (answer at the end)
If You Have Any Doubts/Suggestions, Please Let Me Know.